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Comment count is 21
Aelric - 2010-03-24

I dunno why, but the apostrophe and t in 'don't' won't show up on the tag. Still, Shows that don suck would like to be linked somehow.

Smellvin - 2010-03-24

Apostrophes are disabled to avoid breaking MySQL.

Syd Midnight - 2010-03-24

You may edit your tags so you can link to "shows that dont suck"

Aoi - 2010-03-24

Or, to be more precise, "Shows that do not suck".

twinkieafternoon - 2010-03-24

Non issue: this isn't a show that in no way sucks.

namtar - 2010-03-24

Everything about this is awesome. I never thought I'd see Tuco's sick uncle piloting a giant robot.

Hooper_X - 2010-03-24

This is exactly the kind of ridiculous ass shit I love about this show.

chumbucket - 2010-03-24

I also would stand up for our rights to be awesome

Harold Manchester - 2010-03-24

The show is great. This, is shit. It's like smelling diarrhea with your eyes.

FABIO - 2010-03-24

+1 for animation I guess?

Someone let me know if the jokes start past the minute mark.

fluffy - 2010-03-24

They don't.

ztc - 2010-03-24

This is fucking awful in all possible ways. It's even out of character for Jesse Pinkman.

memedumpster - 2010-03-24

The advertisements I see for this show make me want to watch it, but this does not. It seems like it's ripping off the Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys way too hard.

I did give this two stars until I remembered Ax Cop.

ztc - 2010-03-24

You should watch the show because it is very very very good. This thing is a horrible miscalculation.

Camonk - 2010-03-24

Two for reminding me that the new season started and that the first episode was pretty good.

joelkazoo - 2010-03-24

I liked it.

twinkieafternoon - 2010-03-24

It sounds like the Sports Fan Stadium Guy from Stephen Colbert's I Am America audio-book wrote this.

divinitycycle - 2010-03-25

What the fuck?

dead_cat - 2010-03-29

I'm really not getting the joke here.

WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2010-04-06

This is dumb out-of-character monkey cheese shit, but Tuco's uncle in a giant robot walker could use some stars.

fluffy - 2011-10-29

Okay now that I've finally seen the first two seasons of Breaking Bad I at least get the references but this is still basically completely unfunny.

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