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Desc:Before Torchwood seemed like a good idea, this did.
Category:Classic TV Clips, Accidents & Explosions
Tags:K-9 and Company, K-9, Sarah Jane, Elisabeth Sladen, John Leeson
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Comment count is 17
Spike Jonez - 2010-04-12

In the BBC's defense, they rarely did anything that seemed like a good idea, even at the time.

Lurchi - 2010-04-12

I can't believe this show wasn't a hit.

sosage - 2010-04-12

I'm sorry, but this does seem like a fucking awesome idea on paper. They should have done a spin off with Leela.

Xenocide - 2010-04-12

I would have preferred "Adric's Corpse: The New Adventures."

sosage - 2010-04-12

Are you from the BBC? What with wanting to bring the most annoying character back to life...

fluffy - 2010-04-12

I've been trying to find this show forever just so I could see how bad it was. Now I'm disappointed, because I actually kind of liked it.

Rovin - 2010-04-12

I think it's included as a bonus on one of the BBC Doctor Who DVDs... maybe The Invisible Enemy.

svraz - 2010-04-12

K-9 K-9 K-9 K-9 VS the hatety hetety hetety hate goat witches!

Maggot Brain - 2010-04-12

Just last night I found some per-internet, xerox-fiction based off this show. I thought that it was subset of Doctor Who fan-fiction. The successes of stupid knows no bounds.

Syd Midnight - 2010-04-12

I greatly appreciate the fact that when the new series brought back K-9.. well lets just say he didn't stick around.

Rovin - 2010-04-13

He's got his own show on Disney XD in Australia and the U.K., but they've updated him into a sleek hovering thing now.

fluffy - 2011-07-20

It's because of all the ridiculously convoluted rights involved in the various estates that have control over the piecemeal tapestry that is the greater Doctor Who universe. Same reason it took forever for Cybermen and Daleks to show up in the new series, and why the Cybermen had to be completely altered in various ways (ways that Moffat has completely ignored).

Meerkat - 2010-04-12

Goats are delicious!

memedumpster - 2010-04-12

At least it opens with a Satanic cult. Had KET run this show alongside Tom Baker and Leela, I would have certainly watched both.

memedumpster - 2010-04-12

Added John Leeson tag. I can't believe none of these are linked, is my spelling all terrible?

Rovin - 2010-04-13

I doubt it's so much the spelling as the fact that this was the one and only K-9 and Sarah show. You should probably just add a Doctor Who tag.

poorwill - 2010-04-13

Sarah Jane Smith in aerobics gear, 5 stars.

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