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Comment count is 10
fluffy - 2010-04-19

Ivan the Cat has a pretty deep voice for a female.

chomez - 2010-04-19

ugh why do i know what you mean

Lurchi - 2010-04-19

Calicos are the best.

Is it just me or does this video no longer show up on the front page?

La Loco - 2010-04-19

Can I has cat jokes?

RocketBlender - 2010-04-19

Even 5 staring your own submissions can't save you from everyone's hatred. You're already off the front page.

Shoebox Joe - 2010-04-19

Someone help me, I don't get it.

I don't get this video at all. :(

RocketBlender - 2010-04-19


Ageusiatic - 2010-04-19

La Loco sucks what?

Ageusiatic - 2010-04-19

La Loco sucks 20 dicks a day! I didn't even watch the video.

RocketBlender - 2010-04-19

I can has 20 dicks a day?

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