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Comment count is 12
dementomstie - 2010-07-06

I think my favorite part is that she has to use one hand to cross the fingers of the other. She apparently didn't put many points into Dexterity.

Camonk - 2010-07-06

They BOTH do it!

RomancingTrain - 2010-07-06

You would think that all the butter would make them slide into place easier.

Camonk - 2010-07-06

Your make-up is terrible! Both of you! You should be ashamed. I mean of your whole life, but right now how terrible your make-up looks.

schwaeg - 2010-07-06

how can someone listen to ICP and be wearing poorly applied facepaint and a beatles t-shirt?

Cheese - 2010-07-06

That's what you get when you shop at the uptown Goodwill as opposed to the downtown Salvation Army.

kennydra - 2010-07-06

they have got to be trolling.

Cheese - 2010-07-06

Oh, you'll die alright, and much sooner then you're expecting I'd bet. Let's go to Wendys!

twinkieafternoon - 2010-07-06

They look like poorly-face-painted goth pro-wrestlers whose gimmick is meant to appeal to people like them.

Buggerman - 2010-07-06

These mimes are horrible. They talk way too much and one of them is using blue paint which is way too unorthodox. A lower star for such an amateur display.

Goethe and ernie - 2010-07-07

Well, I'm going to go and stick the wicked shit up my asscrack.

standard8mm - 2010-07-07

This makes me depressed.

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