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Desc:Despite this guy's voice, this may just be the best boss fight in NES history.
Category:Video Games, Stunts
Tags:NES, final fantasy, mute, save states, slo2
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Comment count is 15
memedumpster - 2010-09-14

It should have cut off at 2:12 exactly.

fatatty - 2010-09-14

Good advice.

Jet Bin Fever - 2010-09-14


Redford - 2010-09-14

For an all white mage run, four mages can FADE chaos before he uses cure 4 using a small amount of trial and error. With one white mage your only hope is to either MUTE him (1/256 chance) and then slowly stab him to death with the masamune and hope he doesn't throw a lucky hit (at level 50 this probably wouldn't ever happen). You can also as shown here just randomly present the bane sword until he bites it (1/256 chance again).

This means that this guy is astonishingly lucky to capture this in a video. Or he silently abused save states.

Louis Armstrong - 2010-09-14



codehappy - 2010-09-14

I'm almost positive this guy's using save states on an emulator. You don't buy SOFT or ARUB or HEL3 on a solo white mage run. (In fact, you don't buy SOFT or ARUB at all.)

codehappy - 2010-09-14

But still, I chuckled at the video. I played this game way too much in 1990.

Cube - 2010-09-14

Fut the shuck up.

Sean Robinson - 2010-09-14

This is garbage.

fatatty - 2010-09-14

Peter Griffin plays Final Fantasy

Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2010-09-14

Peter Griffin plays Final Fantasy

Udderdude - 2010-09-14

Rolling dice is so much fun guys.

Lan Tianhe - 2010-09-14

guys... the ouija board... the pointer is actually moving...

"P".... then "B"........ then "F"?

what are the spirits trying to tell us????!!?

Explodotron - 2010-09-14

PBF... Perry Bible Fellowship?

The strip where the dead robber tells the kids (through a Ouija board) where the hidden porn stash is?

goat - 2010-09-19

This might be the greatest video in the history of human civilization but there's no way I'm ever going to find out because 3 seconds of this dipshit's voice made me close the window so quickly I nearly hurt myself.

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