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Desc:Just kidding. He runs around in a sports bra with tape all over his body screaming 'ROBBLE ROBBLE'
Category:Horror, Educational
Tags:autism, Tape, cwc, Chris-Chan, muscle bra
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Comment count is 31
fulakarp - 2010-10-04

Dumb video but the title/description combo made me lol.

Lindner - 2010-10-04

All this is missing is "Goodbye Horses" playing in the background.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-10-04

I'm not watching this due to it will give me hives but 5 stars for that description.

Pillager - 2010-10-04

This is the last thing Ivy saw before his Sonichu persona took over & electrocuted her.

Nikon - 2010-10-04

Good fake-out.

American Standard - 2010-10-04

You got me.

CharlesSmith - 2010-10-04

See guys? THIS is him looking for attention. The really creepy videos always have an actual motive, this is the kind of shit he does when he thinks he's just playing off his internet fame. I want the people who claim he's faking it in every video to take note of what it looks like when he's actually faking it.

American Standard - 2010-10-04

The latest troll pretending to be a willing female probably told him she loves McDonald's.

RocketBlender - 2010-10-04

Considering he already made the blackface video for her, that's a pretty safe assumption. He's got an ongoing war with her ex boyfriend, "Lars" right now. Between that and "Surfshack Tito", the last guy to troll him, I wonder if his trolls will make it through the entire cast of characters from Rocket Power before Chris catches on.

CharlesSmith - 2010-10-04

That's what I get for projecting guile, even a tiny ineffective amount, to Chris-chan. I guess it's human nature to want to personify everything.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2010-10-04

Here ya go.


victorm - 2010-10-04

Hopefully once he gets kicked off social security he'll end up working with you.

themilkshark - 2010-10-04

I felt queasy when the camera was quickly pointed over to the mess all over his room.

Rovin - 2010-10-04

With this doof back to his old idiotic ways, I actually visited the Cwcki site late last week to see why the sudden return. I stumbled across a page full of prank calls, most of which are someone with a soundboard of Chris's dad or Chris fucking with people at Golden Corral or Blockbuster video. Those weren't bad.

On the bottom of the page was a prank call that was NOT someone with soundboards of these idiots, but trolls calling Chris's dad to essentially harass him. What starts out as "Have you ever heard of Bangbus dot com?" quickly devolves to Chris's dad objecting to the continual harassment while these idiots simply yell over him shit like, "YOUR SON DRINKS HIS OWN SEMEN!" and "YOUR SON IS LAZY AND DOES NOTHING WITH HIS COLLEGE DEGREE!"

That's what it's come to - calling a pathetic elderly racist and yelling porn site urls and insults about his son's... dietary oddities.

This has gone beyond "Chris-Chan is a fuckup," into everyone being involved being a fuckup. A perfect storm of Internet retardation one-up-manship.

memedumpster - 2010-10-04

Mirror neurons are betraying every troll on the planet every moment of every day.

jimmicampkin - 2010-10-04

And he still gives it five stars.

So do I. There's a lot to be said for a man in a bra covered in black tape even before we get to the sound effects.

Rovin - 2010-10-04

Well yeah, you have to give it five stars, it's becoming a black hole of internet evil.

Rudy - 2010-10-04

When I visited Cwiki about a year ago or so, the featured video was an obese man (not Chris) doing ChrisChan stand-up in front of a bunch of bored open-mikers. And by ChrisChan stand-up I mean he was talking about stuff Chris has done in the past and how stupid it was and how Chris is a jerk. It's the single most pathetic thing I've ever seen on YouTube and I still kick myself for not submitting it before it vanished without a trace.

RocketBlender - 2010-10-04

I understand the prank callers. It's fast, easy to do. Call that household, try to piss off whoever answers as much as you can before they hang up, then put it online. It doesn't have to be good even. Get you laughs, move on with your normal life.

The ones I don't get are the dedicated trolls. The ones who act like a girl, exchange tons of emails. Talk with him for months, have phone sex with with him, getting cock pics or worse, and generally raising his hopes so it's that much more devastating when the orchestra the big breakup months later. That's way more time than I could ever spend with someone I hate.

RocketBlender - 2010-10-04

When they orchestrate the breakup. I can't type lately.

Hay Belly - 2010-10-04


kennydra - 2010-10-04

The title and description make it good.

Riskbreaker - 2010-10-04

What if wal mart was hiring guys to model their new line of male-bras?

kingarthur - 2010-10-04

Withholding stars because I'm not sure if laughing at the disabled is funny. Being disabled (but not on SSI), I have reservations. Then again, this is Chris-chan.

RocketBlender - 2010-10-04

Nobody is mocking his disability. They're mocking how racist, sexist, and egotistical he is. It works the same for any disability. I'd never laugh at a poor old lady on a power scooter because of that. I will, however, laugh my ass off when someone hoses her down in said chair for publicly dropping the N bomb.

spikestoyiu - 2010-10-04

Shut up, baby.

Hay Belly - 2010-10-04

Is this postmodern or avant garde? I know fuck-all about art.

Smellvin - 2010-10-04

Post-autism garde

Corman's Inferno - 2010-10-05

I thought that pendant was welded to his neck.

Pillager - 2010-10-06

It scuttled under one of his moobs.

fluffy - 2010-11-12

I'm just glad to see he's having fun.

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