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Desc:Neat, but Notch needs to add more monsters and weapons/tools/goals etc. cause I'm not that ocd.
Category:Video Games, Short Films
Tags:high speed, minecraft, interstate, needs more monsters
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Comment count is 21
Squeamish - 2010-10-14

Soothingly hypnotic. If you looped this on a 20-foot wide screen at a rave, I'm sure at least a quarter of the room would watch it endlessly, wondering when the ride ended.

kingofthenothing - 2010-10-14


Or if you want to get really messed up, double it up with a fractal zoom video.

Cube - 2010-10-14

Too much reverb on the drums and the second note on the bass is not quite right.

Samisyosam - 2010-10-14

It's an inversion.

myassisonfire - 2010-10-14

And there's only reverb on the snare

chumbucket - 2010-10-14

no turns?

Dread Pirate Roberts - 2010-10-14

Kind of reminds me of that scene from Hitchhiker's Guide where they were in the cart streaming through space, and around the world, showing off the second Earth being built.

Cool video, but I kind of feel like this was done outside of Minecraft and imported. Too much of it feels like the same thing over and over again, like it was all just strung together.

Also: I'd call it a train ride, not an interstate.

Wander - 2010-10-14

He says that he mined and built it himself but used an editor to give him the materials and make the cart go fast.

StanleyPain - 2010-10-14

You don't necessarily need to cheat to do this. The old version of minecraft lets you create almost any block out of thin air without having to mine for it.

thebaronsdoctor - 2010-10-14

This reminds me of those old Mind's Eye cgi animations they made back in the late 80s.

Relaxing and strangely beautiful

fluffy - 2010-10-14

I was thinking the same thing, but then felt that the Minds Eye stuff was all being "LOOK WE ARE BEING REALISTIC AND STUFF" while this is just stylistically simple and pure and makes for something lovely on its own.

I can't get into Minecraft itself but I do love a lot of the stuff people are making with it.

oddeye - 2010-10-14

I'd play this game but I'm not paying for it.

Cube - 2010-10-14

The free version's like having virtual legos that disappear when you're done with them. Also you can't make anything interact.

I don't know enough of the full version to pay for it.

StanleyPain - 2010-10-14

It's addictive as shit once you get into it, especially since you're basically setting your own goals. I mean, to look at youtube, you'd think that all there is to Minecraft is weird, aspergian shit like building replicas of the empire state building or creating a minecart ride that's EXACTLY LIKE THE ENTIRE FREEWAY SYSTEM OF NEW YORK STATE, but the game itself is lots of fun in a casual sense once you learn what you're doing. Just exploring, doing the basics, and spelunking is very calming and entertaining, especially with the monsters turned off. And before you know it, you have so much leftover rock that one day you remember "Oh yeah, I can build!" and you start to make your cool little dream home.

oddeye - 2010-10-14

I already do that stuff in dwarf fortress, which is currently free.

cognitivedissonance - 2010-10-15

All praise the Dwarf Fortress, Minecraft's insane and badly socialized older brother, who has some awesome weed.

Innocent Bystander - 2010-10-14

Pleasant. Great for muting and playing stuff over.

stage - 2010-10-14

Pretty spectacular.

Jet Bin Fever - 2010-10-14


TheOtherCapnS - 2010-10-14

Great, but I really think more of these minecraft super long track rides should end with there being a creeper on the track.

godot - 2010-10-18

It's a bit one-dimensional.

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