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Desc:Before she ran for president, she was a Columbian Druglord Prostitute!
Category:Arts, Educational
Tags:porn, ACTING!
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Comment count is 19
Urkel Forever - 2010-10-17

Stop the whale abortions now!

freedoom - 2010-10-17

Om nom nom nom nom, spit!

baleen - 2010-10-17


Kumquatxop - 2010-10-17


citrusmirakel - 2010-10-17

I wonder if the AVN Awards have a category for stuff like this.

Because the angry apple at 1:00 deserves SOME kind of award. I don't even care what the award is, as long as it's recognized.

RocketBlender - 2010-10-17

I hope they do too, I really want to see that guy's acceptance speech.

Oscar Wildcat - 2010-10-18

Who in their right mind would find that ass attractive? God forgive me indeed.

The Townleybomb - 2010-10-17

They don't ever tell you what could be better than money!

Riskbreaker - 2010-10-17

I'm going to eat my apples like that all the time.

Billy the Poet - 2010-10-17

They made a STRAIGHT porn parody of 300?

OhYouMeanNancy - 2010-10-17

Thank you for the ending, w/Matt & Trey


Chalkdust - 2010-10-17

isn't a porno based on "A Clockwork Orange" kinda redundant?

mashedtater - 2010-10-17

starring kendra hendrickson no less!

godot - 2010-10-17

JimL2, if you're out there, we would be most edified should you edit "Clockwork Orgy" as your next "XXX without the XXX" project...

Raggamuffin - 2010-10-17

"And what? Fuck? Like the people of Bosnia are getting fucked?"

mudl - 2010-10-18

"After serving our country. You deserve my ass."

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-10-23

What the hell is wrong with shower chick's finger?

lucienpsinger - 2013-06-01

That's Lindsay Lohan in I Know Who Killed Me. I could try to tell you what's happening, but I would sound deeply stupid.

3Leukothea5 - 2014-10-19

Gotta love Paris Hilton thrown in there saying "I'm so happy for you...!". No you're not, bitch.

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