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Comment count is 17
Smellvin - 2010-10-19

Regarding everyone's mocking of the "filth" in Chris-chan's house: Chris-chan's mother is obese and not terribly mobile. Without an able-bodied woman in their house, how are they SUPPOSED to keep it clean?

Quad9Damage - 2010-10-19

That, and they're both like in their 80s. Chris's birth was like pushing an uncooked game hen through gray drapes.

I don't know what to think of Chris-Chan anymore. I want to get away, but he keeps doing increasingly insane/gross things and pulling me back in.

Fur is Murder - 2010-10-19

His mom was actually born in the early 40s, but she's not young or particularly healthy either. Still not as bad as his dad, who's had at least 3 heart attacks.

jimmicampkin - 2010-10-20


All my future nightmares are belong to you for that mental image.

Mike Tyson?! - 2010-10-19

Does he really need to stuff his shirt?

chumbucket - 2010-10-19

He opens the video with "seriously folks" while sporting boobs

on the next episode of "Hoarders"

MagickPoultry - 2010-10-19

To be fair, it's a follow-up to a video of him pregnant, giving birth to a teddy bear, and then breastfeeding it.

So, you know, "seriousness" is all relative.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2010-10-19

Fuck n' A look at all that shit.

Corman's Inferno - 2010-10-19

"Eyes up here, buddy"


Frank Rizzo - 2010-10-19

did anyone else think of "fatman here folks!!" at the opener?

Riskbreaker - 2010-10-19

There are probably several new forms of bacteria living in that house, aside from Chris that is.

themilkshark - 2010-10-19

This guy is fantastic.

Pillager - 2010-10-19

I'd pay good money to see a conversation between Bill Greathouse, Dwayne Holloway, & Chris Chan.

TeenerTot - 2010-10-19

There is a side table blocking the oven door...
Someone picked up a side table, carried it to the kitchen and placed it there to hold more junk, rather than clear an existing kitchen surface.

Longshot- - 2010-10-19

Someone call the poison control center and any health and safety office near the area, please. This is really bad. I'm not even joking.

Riskbreaker - 2010-10-19

Well, if there is a zombie outbreak in the area, we know who to blame for.

garcet71283 - 2010-10-20

I have a feeling we may see an episode of Horders staring out patron saint real soon.

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