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Desc:Earth is forced to take a group of alien convicts in the form of freaky rat-sized ant-things.
Category:Classic TV Clips, Horror
Tags:twist ending, Outer Limits, bruce dern, Zanti Misfits
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Comment count is 7
urbanelf - 2010-10-23

Tag suggestion: Vasquez Rocks

Lurchi - 2010-10-23

Bruce Dern?

Lauritz Melchior - 2010-10-23

Guns? Grenades? Flame throwers?

How about a can of Raid and some paper towels?

Maybe a shoe?

Lurchi - 2010-10-23

Lauritz you live in NM now? Wait til you wake up with one of these fuckers in your sheets. Then you'll be calling for the flame throwers. (I used to live in NM.)

CharlesSmith - 2010-10-23

What's the deal? This video was down when I checked earlier and there were no comments. Now there are comments, no resubmit, and the video is still down. So no one here really watches these things do they?

Seriously though, it's mean to taunt people with false promises of classic outer limits. Mean.

memedumpster - 2010-10-23

Charles, I wouldn't lie to you... about this, the video works for me. Your dog when you were nine really did go to live on a farm though.

Robin Kestrel - 2010-10-23

It hung up for me a little way in, but I was able to continue watching at a lower resolution.

This show brings back memories.

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