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Desc:'We thought by publishing that story the cops would investigate them, prosecute them, and hang them'
Category:News & Politics, Horror
Tags:homosexuality, Rolling Stone, Uganda, poo poo, Giles Muhame
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Comment count is 18
augias - 2010-11-02

Is looking confused at all times throughout the interview a requisite course in journalism college nowadays?

Lurchi - 2010-11-02

putting the evil back in portal of evil

Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2010-11-02

punchable stupid motherfucker

phalsebob - 2010-11-02

I heard that Newspaper guy in Uganda Giles Muhame is gay. I heard that Giles Muhame loves gay sex all the time and owns a gay bath house. I think Giles Muhame is brave for being openly gay in Uganda, if that's true.

TeenerTot - 2010-11-02

I can verify this. I read something about his gayness as well, on a video/chat site.

Corplos - 2010-11-02

Giles Muhame is a verifiable homosexual.
He told me himselfl; "I, Giles Muhame am a gay man living in Uganda."

Sudan no1 - 2010-11-03

Giles Muhame eats da poo poo.

La Loco - 2010-11-02

Blacks hanging blacks. You know the bible belt loves this.

The Mothership - 2010-11-02

silently spreading like wildfire indeed.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2010-11-02

Now, the last time i heard, the law that would allow the government to hang gays still had not been passed. Anybody know differently?

kamlem - 2010-11-02

Yeah, the law has been put on the backburner for the time being...


I guess you could say he's just being proactive.

Tuan Jim - 2010-11-02

holy shit

Riskbreaker - 2010-11-02

Well, good to see Africa is doing so well these days :/

Jet Bin Fever - 2010-11-02

Evil evil evil evil evil evil.

Rovin - 2010-11-02

Uganda has had issues with gays for some time... and apparently there's been some American evangelical involvement. http://blog.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2010/01/21/uganda_s_anti_homos exuality_bill_when_soft_power_goes_wrong

Syd Midnight - 2010-11-05

This is what happens when American evangelicals operate without the rest of America to oversee them.. lynchings, witch burnings, pogroms, and genocide.

standard8mm - 2010-11-02

It's a different culture. Can't judge.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-11-03


That is fucked up.

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