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Desc:Haven't watched it, but may be nice to show a differing viewpoint and see how he stands up. 2 of 2.
Category:News & Politics, Horror
Tags:chris hedges, chris hedges automatically gets into the horror ca, the agenda, death of the liberal class
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Comment count is 12
knowless - 2010-12-29

tldw: statements of wealth inequality and governmental control out of reach of the common man primarily refuted by wealthy individual of non-european ancestry. the tactic which would be most appropriate of "inverted totalitarianism" in USA.

inverted totalitarianism: enforced apathy and job insecurity, instead of blatant oppression.

1. corporations main power, puppet state seen as normal.
2. citizens made apathetic, except through act of voting.
3. their democracy is best democracy.

knowless - 2010-12-29

his final statement around 37, is worth skipping to.

Ursa_minor - 2010-12-29

I came for some shouting, mudslinging, and general obfuscation but instead I got a pretty calm, reasonable, and well spoken discussion.


Ursa_minor - 2010-12-29

Also, the moderator is awesome.

baleen - 2010-12-30

The bearded guy who kind of agrees with Hedges, the moderate who kind of pussy willows around everyone, and the polite neocon, and the guy who has been everywhere and knows everything. I remember when Hitchens pulled the same routine, but for a completely opposing agenda.

Ursa_minor - 2010-12-30

I'm tired of Hedges going "I'VE BEEN TO IRAQ I KNOW HOW IT IS THERE OKAY?"

dystopianfuturetoday - 2010-12-30

^Seems like a poor comparison. Care to flesh it out a little? What is Hedges 'agenda'?

kingarthur - 2010-12-30

I really really want someone to prove Hedges wrong. I'm having trouble sleeping, guys. Seriously.

Rosencrantz - 2010-12-30


not gonna help

kingarthur - 2010-12-30

You're right, that's not helping.

godot - 2010-12-30

I'm not willing to join the Hedges lovefest so long as he writes books entitled "I Don't Believe in Atheists" or "When Atheism Becomes Religion: America's New Fundamentalists".

The foundation of consideration of the needs of social outcasts is not religion. It is a morality deeper than any bronze age idol.

William Burns - 2011-01-05

He's got one gross opinion so he must be wrong about everything.

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