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Comment count is 13
BorrowedSolution - 2011-02-12

Overall very entertaining up until the turn. Then he just reminded me of my old man trying to sign somebody up for an MLM scheme.

sjohnson301 - 2011-02-12

"When you watch this video, you'll see why I made this video".

Chet - 2011-02-12

30 minutes in, does he ever mention his point?

StanleyPain - 2011-02-12

Spoiler: Obama is an evil socialist who wants to turn the US into Nazi Germany.

StanleyPain - 2011-02-12

Extra Spoiler: The only way to avoid a total meltdown of the world and your brain because of "KOMRADE OBAMA" is to pay this guy 0 for him to tell you which pharmaceutical companies to invest in.

Cyberblah - 2011-02-12

Yeah, the longer he went on and on, the less I believed him.

It's really telling that he's using a video player that doesn't allow fast-forwarding the video. You have to invest a lot of time to get to how to save yourself, and if you've invested a lot it must be important, right?

Robert DeNegro - 2011-02-12

Truly compelling and tedious evidence that things will be just fine.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2011-02-12

Grrrrr how did that goddamn pop up bypass adblock? Get that shit out of here.

The Mothership - 2011-02-12


phalsebob - 2011-02-12


What the fuck fatatty?

Ersatz - 2011-02-12

A couple of big red flags in his facts:
"Even if everyone were taxed 100% of their income, it still would not be enough to balance the federal budget."
That's patently false. Unless he's confusing the budget deficit with the national debt, in which case the question becomes what kind of financial expert is he?

"Our country's _unique_ ability to print more money."
Any mint can do that. Ask Zimbabwe. The US is in a better position as (like be points out) the de facto global reserve currency, but we're not immune to overinflation. Like in the 1970s.

I'm not going to bother listening to the rest to find out he wants us all to buy gold and stockpile canned goods.

BorrowedSolution - 2011-02-12

I'm going to have to conclude that you all suck at poetv. It's not the destination, it's the journey.

fatatty - 2011-05-26

Thank you. You'd think I gave these people herpes.

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