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Comment count is 7
Adham Nu'man - 2011-03-30

Bill back with his EX?!? WHAT?!? I had given up on watching TFL videos a while back, but that is certainly something to witness/hear about.

Could you please direct me to some documentary/video evidence on this?

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2011-03-30

Just some scuttlebutt I read on the http://www.love-shy.com forums. Funny to read other "incel" guys rag on TFL because of their NWO focused conspiracies.

CIWB - 2011-03-30

It's just as well, his videos haven't been as interesting since he replaced himself with the Mortal Kombat logo or whatever.

Adham Nu'man - 2011-03-30

I imagine he got so fat he couldn't fit the screen.

standard8mm - 2011-03-30

he sounds happier...

aeso - 2011-03-31

He is using the same logo as submissions101.com, which is run by one of the biggest douch bags in BJJ. Weird.

mashedtater - 2011-03-31

i love when bill and dwayne have lover spats.

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