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Desc:In your darkest moments, you will remember this...
Category:Humor, Educational
Tags:kids, motivational, short and sweet, riding a bike, stirring speeches
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Comment count is 20
Smellvin - 2011-06-04

And when you're old men dying in your beds, would you give ALL the days from this day to that for ONE CHANCE... JUST ONE CHANCE... to tell the bicycles that they may take the skin off our knees and elbows, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM?!

DriverStabby - 2013-01-19

For god sake shut up.

zerobackup - 2011-06-04

Music it too loud...way to cover up the funny part with fucking Bravehart music you hack.

Siebenstein - 2011-06-04

Yeah, TheMarsTravolta should have submitted the version without music.

TheMarsTravolta - 2011-06-04

I don't mind the music, and didn't find it loud at all. Though, if I had known there was a version without music (I didn't check for an original), I probably would have submitted it first.

Oh well. I still find this five star worthy.

Smellvin - 2011-06-04

I voted it up because of the music. Otherwise it's just a kid saying typical stupid kid stuff.

Siebenstein - 2011-06-04

5 stars it definitely is.

White Trash Party - 2011-06-04

I know we are all bitter cynical shells of human beings, but this is cute dammit.

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-06-04

I had completely forgotten about the day I learned how to ride a bike until this video.

memedumpster - 2011-06-04

Self-esteem combined with logical sense qualifies as lost knowledge of the ancients in our modern world, making this kid a prophet.

GourdLord - 2011-06-04

Five stars for rock 'n' roll

Kumquatxop - 2011-06-04

He has accepted the award for rock and roll

Bort - 2011-06-04

Levels of coherence that Sarah Palin still aspires to.

Rudy - 2011-06-06

We must all learn to ride bikes because we need to be able to bear arms and America is great because our Founding Fathers loved freedom.

Squeamish - 2011-06-04

Dammit, shouldn't an American Flag spontaneously unfurl behind this kid when he says that?

fluffy - 2011-06-05


takewithfood - 2011-06-06

I am so proud of him and he isn't even my kid.

FatFatuousNation - 2011-06-08

Mirror and no music version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaIvk1cSyG8

Banal Intercourse - 2011-06-09

Thank You.

Banal Intercourse - 2011-06-09

Clicking on the original YouTube link signs you up for Top Gun Flight School.

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