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Desc:Fulfill your fantasy of being an 8 year old sexually confused serial killer.
Category:Video Games, Trailers
Tags:misogyny, serial killer, rhyme, Silver Dollar Games, Xbox live indie games
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Comment count is 11
freedoom - 2011-06-17

That's just weird.

The McK - 2011-06-17

Welp, according to the big clock on the wall it's time to start spelling EDGY with a 3 again.

Cyberblah - 2011-06-17

I wish Old Man Murray could come back just to have "Edgy Game of the Year 2011" awards.

Hank Friendly - 2011-06-17

five fuckin stars for you sir

everyone who reads this pour a little bit of your next alcoholic beverage out for old man murray

Hodge - 2011-06-17

This video needs tags titled "oh so edgy and grim-dark!" and "My very first game in XNA!".

Wander - 2011-06-17

No it doesn't.

snothouse - 2011-06-17


memedumpster - 2011-06-17

Does no one make space ship RPGs anymore? Pew pew? Boom? No? Fuck it, let's kill our step mom then.

Toenails - 2011-06-17

Please pay attention to me.

twinkieafternoon - 2011-06-17

How do you fail at the "voice acting little girl says creepy, monotone stuff" concept? That concept is a slam dunk! It can't be failed.

StanleyPain - 2011-06-17

Xbox Live Indie games is pretty awful most of the time. That's not to say there aren't some cool games on it; there are and you could easily buy 10-15 really solid, fun time-wasters for , but sadly most of it is like this shit.

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