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Desc:Clifford Banes has more excuses for missing his own show than Keith Olbermann.
Category:News & Politics, Crime
Tags:The Onion, ONN, in the know with clifford banes, clifford banes
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Comment count is 9
Xenocide - 2011-06-30

1:30 confirms that Clifford Banes is the cat from There She Is.

Scynne - 2011-06-30

Cliff really has a hell of a life.

kingofthenothing - 2011-06-30

That's a really cool idea. They could sell "Free Clifford Banes" t-shirts and everything.

ProfessorChaos - 2011-06-30

It just keeps getting funnier as more intros pile on.

chumbucket - 2011-06-30

"his tales of his days at sea"

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-07-05

My favorite too.

Caminante Nocturno - 2011-06-30

Clifford Banes still gets paid more than anyone else in the network.

jreid - 2011-06-30

I once ran into Clifford Banes at Lowe's. I didn't ask why he was buying a hedge trimmer and 14 bottles of Drano, but I have an idea.

Stevie Nixxxx - 2011-07-01


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