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Comment count is 6
SteamPoweredKleenex - 2011-11-01

When a cartoon squirrel enters a teepee and something unseen happens with a "honk-honk" sound effect and results in 200 points, I can only think that the poor Indian stereotype was bravely defending his wife who now has to deal with the results of being raped by a squirrel.

Randroid - 2011-11-01

Who cares when it's SHAREWARE

Xenagama Warrior Princess - 2011-11-02

He's just plundering their provisions of bicycle horns filled with smallpox.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2011-11-01

the platforms are made out of weetabix??

also from the era when enough memory is available to add a stupid random sound clip for every action. Snare hit every time he lands? ok!

kingjackhammer - 2011-11-01

Is Skunny shorthand for Scummy cunt honey?

garcet71283 - 2011-11-02

This game would always crash on the first level for me.

Shareware Week: The Vengeance anyone??

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