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Comment count is 26
Jeriko-1 - 2011-11-11

Finally some protesters I am okay with watching get pelted by beanbag rounds.

Cena_mark - 2011-11-11

Its comparable to the Catholic child abuse cases. College football is also religion.

baleen - 2011-11-11

That's an amazing insight.

jangbones - 2011-11-11

"Who cares about molested boys, we're talking about football!"

I think what I will always remember about the Penn State story is how many people thought Paterno's firing was wrong. That is an awful commentary on the American love of authoritarianism and a totally fucked set of priorities.

Rudy - 2011-11-11

But the library!

Xenocide - 2011-11-11

My college's football team is terrible and nobody cares about it. I've always been grateful for that.

HotwaxNinjaPanther - 2011-11-11

Paterno himself could have been the one caught fucking fresh newborns brought to him from his underground baby mill of drugged-up whores who he chained to the walls and impregnated until they bore fresh infants for his midnight pleasure sessions and Penn State fans would STILL be rioting over him not being available to lead the team to football victory.

Disgustingly bureaucratic misconduct? But this is football season!

I hope they bring out the Soylent Green dump trucks on this crowd.

StanleyPain - 2011-11-11

Are there no fucking disgusting depths to which sports fans will not sink? I mean, first it was breathlessly defending rapists, then defending horrific animal abusers, and now someone who may have very well allowed CHILD RAPE to go on.

Christ...fuck football.

CornOnTheCabre - 2011-11-11


kingofthenothing - 2011-11-11


Dynamicuno - 2011-11-11

I personally enjoy the over-excited Polynesian midget screaming about injustice.

Maybe if the find and threaten the children involved, like they do when a woman is raped on campus by one of their hero's, this will all go away. One can only hope.

Dynamicuno - 2011-11-11


Screwtape - 2011-11-11

Interesting. His firing hasn't moved the spread for this Saturday at all...

TeenerTot - 2011-11-11

Fuck these guys. And the dude's eighty-something years old! He *could* have chosen to take an overdue retirement with a little dignity instead of waiting to get fired.

Oscar Wildcat - 2011-11-11

Now we know what will mobilize the youth to riot. Stop ass fucking them; they'll take to the streets to get that withered old cock back up in there. Remarkable. There's a powerful political allegory here, but I just can't quite put my finger on it....

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2011-11-11

For you.

memedumpster - 2011-11-11

Occupy Rape Street.

deadpan - 2011-11-11

"WE, ARE, THE 99 PERCENT...of children on earth that Jerry Sandusky did not violently rape!"

Not really as catchy as they had hoped.

chumbucket - 2011-11-11

good cause guys, good cause

Gojira1000 - 2011-11-11

College kids are stupid? who knew.

The Mothership - 2011-11-11

"Big shouts out to the victims, word up to them, but they really should have never said anything."

CIWB - 2011-11-11

That first kid they talk to must be the most generic college student ever. His face, his voice, his hair, his speech pattern, his hand gestures...I can't say with confidence that I haven't met him before, even though I live 12 hours away from Pennsylvania.

I think I've seen at least six kids over the past decade who look and speak just like him.

Louis Armstrong - 2011-11-11

2nd kid: voice of reason..

What do you think about him.

"he's totally wrong! Because my school pride is forever slandered. It's not fair!

EnochEmery - 2011-11-11

I liked the Exile's headline on the subject:

"Frat-boys stage world's first pro-NAMBLA riot"

The Mothership - 2011-11-11

ooooo, I like that.

Binro the Heretic - 2011-11-11

Awful as they are, they do raise one good point.

McQueary should be out on his ass, too, and for the same reasons.

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