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Comment count is 10
Mother Lumper - 2012-04-07

Leo is dead now, and also the Sun Conure population is endangered because of the pet trade, so yay for fuckheads that just have to have an exotic pet.

fedex - 2012-04-07

from the preloader I thought it was a giant spider for some reason, which would have been a lot more interesting

il fiore bel - 2012-04-07

Were you thinking about this?


fedex - 2012-04-07

no, for a moment I actually thought someone had trained (or had THOUGHT they trained) a large spider, possibly of the bird eating or orb-weaving variety, to poop in a human toilet.

fedex - 2012-04-07

sorry, that was of course supposed to be a rely to il fiore bel

Old_Zircon - 2012-04-08

I saw the same thing, weird.

fatatty - 2012-04-07

Despite Mother Lumper's Debbie Downering I thought that was adorable.

I guess -1 star for the exotic pet trade.

White Trash Party - 2012-04-08

Every day must be a picnic when you get this excited about a parrot taking a shit.

Pompoulus - 2012-04-08

That conjures a vague but definitely unpleasant image.

Noober - 2012-04-08


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