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Comment count is 24
Jet Bin Fever - 2012-06-30

Physician, heal thyself.

Corpus Delectable - 2012-06-30

Clearly reasoned and compellingly presented. I'm a convert.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2012-07-01

As he was walking towards the camera, I realized who Alex Jones is.

He's Daniel Songer's long-lost brother.

jangbones - 2012-07-01

Is it a conspiracy that his crew can't figure out how to properly mic his fatness?

urbanelf - 2012-07-01

Does Jones mentor Glenn Beck?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-07-01

When you put a crystal skull in the Illuminati capstone of your pyramid, you're just asking for this.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2012-07-01

A crystal skull you say? With the "goblin charms" and demon bones? Yes sir, Agent Smith will be dispatched immediately to get to the bottom of this pyramid curse....what?... oh yes, sorry, the Top of this pyramid curse.

CIWB - 2012-07-01

Just a walking pile of pure dumb. His audience of paranoid white trash makes me see why the evil Illuminati or whatever wants to eradicate large chunks of humanity.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-07-01

To be fair, he's got a point about the Washington Monument being phallic.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-07-01

He's in favor of carbon taxes, which is why he isn't on Fox News.

Pompoulus - 2012-07-01

but do I really feel the way I feel

Caminante Nocturno - 2012-07-01

The Illuminati used their occult powers to make it windy, thus making it impossible to hear his truth.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-07-01

The illuminati are also responsible for the fact that my Firefox spell checker does not contain "Illuminati"

CrimsonHyperSloth - 2012-07-01

Did he actually list "Cyclotron" in his strange technology list?

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2012-07-01

Fuck the cyclotron, I want to know more about the fish infusion weapons.

CrimsonHyperSloth - 2012-07-01

Oh I want to know as well, I'm surprised that the "DEADLY MYSTERIOUS CYCLOTRON" is some how alien to him. Does he not own a microwave?

HarrietTubmanPI - 2012-07-01

Has anyone ever called this guy to inform him that demons and ghosts and spooks don't exist?

StanleyPain - 2012-07-01

But people believe they do, therefore they MUST exist! See, when someone believes something, it means it's automatically real!

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-07-01

Based on what he's saying here, he doesn't necessary believe in demons and spooks, just crazy cults that belief in demons and spooks, and run everything.

memedumpster - 2012-07-01

He believes in selling stuff off his website, like survival seeds. It doesn't matter if he has to say Godzilla is an Illuminati prostitute that lives in Obama's skirt.

In a way, he's nowhere near as insane as his listeners, just really unethical. Charlie Sheen taught me that he fakes it and really doesn't know what to say in the face of true crazy.

StanleyPain - 2012-07-01

Concentrated idiocy in it's purest form.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2012-07-01

I take it Alex Jones doesn't patronize the Luxor in Las Vegas, then?

memedumpster - 2012-07-01

No, but the Temple of Set holds their gatherings there, which is a real wasted opportunity for Alex to proclaim "Satanic cult uses pyramid for satanic cult gathering."

ashtar. - 2013-02-18

Then I'm rotting in Memphis
Rotting with my feet ten feet off of Beale
Rotting in Memphis
But do I really feel the way I feel

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