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Comment count is 14
The Mothership - 2012-07-18

stars for the guy just watching, calmly, taking it all in.

love - 2012-07-18

Judging by his demeanour this is not the first time it happened.

big pincers - 2012-07-18

he's all looking pretty juvious

memedumpster - 2012-07-18

I have no reason to want to believe that he did not do that on purpose.

chairsforcheap - 2012-07-18

considering the fact that he completely lost his balance and took a sharp wooden edge to his dick if not also his balls on that impact, then risking breaking his neck upside down........ nah

chairsforcheap - 2012-07-18

oh. I missed the word "want." yes, this is one of those accidents that happens in the persons subconscious before they do it, for sure.

STABFACE - 2012-07-18

1 for the music.
1 for the slow-mo.
1 for the nonchalant witness.
1 for the moment on the jumper's face when he realizes that he's fucked.
1 for the way his hand slips as he flips over the rail and nearly cracks his head open.

dead_cat - 2012-07-19

Perfect accident

RocketBlender - 2012-07-19

I really want to be that guy.

I really want to be the asshole that one stars this for using 'fail' and 'win' in the title and description.

But dammit, the song, the friend, really everything about this submission is just too damn good. Plus you didn't spell fail in ALLCAPS, so you're off the hook this time.

Wonko the Sane - 2012-07-19

I wasn't originally going to do it, but I'll be that guy for you.

Fuck a fail/win.

themilkshark - 2012-08-24

The title is appropriate. "Fail" will forever be a phrase used by me thanks to the home version of Killer Instinct with the strange monk who criticizes your training.

Try coming off less old and jaded.

Old People - 2014-11-15

Come on, Wonko, it's about the videos not the blurbs.

Cube - 2012-07-19

We're through picking on people for using the word "fail" on titles?

What the hell people?

themilkshark - 2012-08-24

Cry about it.

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