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Comment count is 11
Billy the Poet - 2012-08-06

I guess that the video is pretty cute, but the song gave me diptheria and stole 0 out of my wallet.

That guy - 2012-08-10

YEAH! Stupid happy song while a happy dog jumps in the water and swims with dolphins. FUCKIN' LAME. IT SHOULD BE NINE INCH NAILS.

chairsforcheap - 2012-08-06

is it a trend to use ultra white douche music on nautical themed videos now? -1 for music but 4 for DOGGY IN A LIFE VEST

Maru - 2012-08-06

This looks absolutely exhausting for the dog, and the dolphins don't know what to do with it anyway. Pretty disappointing.

James Woods - 2012-08-06

Not to mention the dog can't even look down and is probably mostly unaware of the dolphins or is just terrified of the unknown beasts brushing up against him every so often. Swimming with dolphins? Not exactly. Swimming in the same general vicinity, more like,

Colonel Cowlung - 2012-08-06

I have a dog, and I've seen dolphin videos on the internet.

The dog is trying to get in position to hump the dolphins.

The dolphins are trying to do the same to the dog.

Cube - 2012-08-06

Fetch, boy!

Bort - 2012-08-06

Well, he's no Thunder the cat, but he does his best.


Aelric - 2012-08-06

Seems like a quick way to drown a dog. Leave the vest on, he can at least take a break. Tiny thin legs do not a swimmer make.

spikestoyiu - 2012-08-06

Yo just mute it and crank some Christopher Cross, guys.

The Townleybomb - 2012-08-06

Y'all are just desperate to hate videos of happy dogs doing things.

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