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Comment count is 4
WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2012-10-03

Astoundingly mediocre

Riskbreaker - 2012-10-03

This is the nazis in space movie?

Pompoulus - 2012-10-03


And don't get me wrong it's a good premise! But the trailer made it look like all crappy CG space-dogfighting and flat characters and now I don't even care enough to make sure I'm right.

WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2012-10-03

There isn't a lot of dogfighting or comedy; all the jokes are "lol this Nazi thing is shaped like a Swastika" and "lol those space nazis sure are fishes out of water in modern America" with a few "lol Sarah Palin" jokes. The CGI is actually pretty great for how low a budget this was made on, but they came up with a great premise and did almost nothing with it. Not to mention how they completely wasted Udo Kier, or the downer ending that doesn't fit with any of the rest of the film.

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