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Comment count is 7
Dumb Lamer - 2013-03-09

I watched this so often on VHS that I can sing along... like a repressed memory.

Chocolate Jesus - 2013-03-10

Me too. I wore out my tape with this, the Old Woman that Lived in the Shoe, and the old Fleicher Bros Superman episodes.

cognitivedissonance - 2013-03-10

Downward slide for the Fleischers at this point, through no fault of their own. The mediocre dreck of the Silly Symphonies was selling, largely because the Bank of America had put Disney into hock and owned 49% of Disney's studio, resulting in the opinion among investors that it was the path to take. The Fleischers didn't have the self-funding that Warner Brothers did, and thus had to tailor their product to market demands, and the investors decided THIS was what the market demanded.

/animation nerd hat off

sasazuka - 2013-03-10

Technically, all gold atoms were created in a neutron star that went supernova, so Humpty Dumpty wasn't too far off in his belief that gold comes from the sun:


cognitivedissonance - 2013-03-10

Tarot imagery galore!

Sanest Man Alive - 2013-03-10

Dammit Dumpty, you foreshadowed this literal downfall with your own coin stacking!

Oh well, he'll probably find religion in nursery rhyme prison and come back to found a megachurch for sun worship.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-03-14

Fucking rules.

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