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Comment count is 9
The Mothership - 2013-03-15

Not his or her best, but I can't not give the Macho Man 5.

boner - 2013-03-15


The Mothership - 2013-03-16

bravely rated and reviewed, Wonko the Sane.

James Woods - 2013-03-17


Mister Yuck - 2013-03-16

This made a lot of sense to me.

Old_Zircon - 2013-03-16

The announcer's expression right when they cut back to him is priceless.

I like to believe these two stayed in character 24 hours a day.

EvilHomer - 2013-03-16

Not one of Tim Curry's prouder moments.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-03-17

I know that one day we will run out of Macho Man clips. But, damn, I hope it isn't for a long long time.

The Mothership - 2018-04-18


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