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Comment count is 10
chairsforcheap - 2013-10-28

there was a video posted up here called "kubrick's gold story" that i can't find anywhere any more. It was a way more convincing theory than any of these. (other than the native american genocide stuff but that was pretty explicit)

Lef - 2013-10-29

That one as well as the moon landing were fantastic! No links to be found. Something scraped the internet clean, not wanting the truth (*cough crazy cough*) to be known.

Ocyrus - 2013-10-30


bopeton - 2013-10-29

Views: 42

When I looked.



Innocent Bystander - 2013-10-29

The crazy is infectious in this one. For some reason watching this I get the same feeling you get when you feel kinda dirty and want to take a shower... except for your brain, man.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-10-29

Also on Netflix if you're curious. It's a bit easier to watch on a TV. Still stupid, but it's up there.

oswaldtheluckyrabbit - 2013-10-29

Amazing movie. The bashing it gets from people expecting a "traditional" doc is hilarious.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-10-29

I love Nicholson's performance in the movie. I love the depth of the TV miniseries (also the effectiveness of the director. The croquet mallet to the gut is still one of the more cringe-worthy yet gore-free injuries I've seen in some time).

I'm not all that thrilled with the sequel novel, "Doctor Sleep." King's trying to make a troupe of psychic vampire-ghosts believable, but... I dunno. I'm just not sold on it. It'll probably be an AMC series before too long.

Nominal - 2013-10-30

It's like a gangstalking video, but with a world class movie instead of carrying around a camcorder.

It's also the same kind of crazy vibe that seems to come from people so insecure, they can't stand the possibility that there MIGHT be something flying over their heads that they don't understand so they throw out a billion insane theories to cover all bases.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-10-30

It kind of ruins the whole concept of looking at something from a different point of view. Most of us consider it a fun mental game we play with art in various media (songs, movies, books) but these guys take it as gospel. It's amusing to watch Ferris Bueller's Day Off and try to see it as Ferris being a hallucination of Cameron's unsettled mind.

Another example is the old Vampire: The Masquerade RPG books. Each chapter started with quotes from various sources, chosen selectively to make it seem like they were about immortal bloodsuckers. It's fun, but if you start insisting that it's all proof of the vampire conspiracy... yeah, not so much fun anymore.

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