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Comment count is 20
fedex - 2013-12-07

by internet standards, this is a pretty normal fap obsession

Old_Zircon - 2013-12-07

By internet standards this is downright wholesome.

Oscar Wildcat - 2013-12-07

"Are you coming?"

infinite zest - 2013-12-07

My (then) 3 year-old nephew was obsessed with this movie and I had to watch it a billion times and I hate it. But yeah, there's nothing too out-of-the-ordinary with thinking a CGI girl is cute (seems like most M-rated video games have sex scenes these days). I mean, when I was a kid, I was crushing on the lady fox from the cartoon version of Robin Hood. Now excuse me while I go to the store for toilet tissue and VHS cleaner.

RocketBlender - 2013-12-07

I've never actually seen this movie, and the woman and bee dating? Aside from the most retarded use of magic I can possibly imagine, I don't see how this is supposed to have a happy ending.

infinite zest - 2013-12-07

He finds out that humans consume honey so he sues humanity. There could have been a way to make this concept funny, but Jerry Seinfeld decided against it.

RocketBlender - 2013-12-08

Ummmm, okay...

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-12-07

I guess she looks better than Renee Zellweger. Oh, and it was a missed opportunity not to call this movie "Jew Jew Bees"

The Mothership - 2013-12-07

Jew Jew Bees gets 5 stars

Old_Zircon - 2013-12-07

✡ ✡ ✡ ✡ ✡

Gmork - 2013-12-07

Ah, fuck, I can't believe you've done this

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2013-12-13

First you get the honey. Then you get the money. Then you get the women...

Nominal - 2015-12-07

If you've got the money, honey, we've got your Jew bees.

StanleyPain - 2013-12-07

Oh yes, it's "Generic Female Model #2" who appears in virtually every Dreamworks production.

Uulanbaatorbaby - 2013-12-07

Those stills looks like the kind of evidence that gets people arrested for stalking.

Caminante Nocturno - 2013-12-07

No music, no voice over, just damning silence.

WHO WANTS DESSERT - 2013-12-07

The plot of the movie centered on a bee falling in love with a human to the point where she leaves her human boyfriend to be with the bee. At no point is this ever questioned or considered strange.

Juice Eggs McKenna - 2015-12-30

Even though her boyfriend was Patrick Warburton

blue vein steel - 2017-02-05

She's at least 10 years too old to beelieve Seinfeld would be interested

Nominal - 2019-12-07

Her name is BLOOME.




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