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Comment count is 14
Oscar Wildcat - 2013-12-09

I must now share this on my google+ account.

memedumpster - 2013-12-09

Backpack. Check. Fatness. Check. Beard. Check. Glasses. Check. Idiot opinions. Check.

Google writes checks promoting all these things.

memedumpster - 2013-12-09

Every google search return full of fascist mouth breathers yelling "faaaaaaaake..."

Big fat ass check.

urbanelf - 2013-12-09

Oh, I see. That guy ISN'T a google employee. He's just a protester pretending to be a google employee for the cameras.

Prickly Pete - 2013-12-09

That guy rocks

misterbuns - 2013-12-09

intentionally misleading submission?

Ocyrus - 2013-12-09

Yeah, sure... about as fake as Google's spying, Google's abuse of user privacy, Google's failure to live up to its own motto.
Fuck Google... but I'll take a Glass when it becomes available.

exy - 2013-12-09

The yuppie shuttles appeared in SF after I moved away, but I hear from my friends they are really gentrifying the fuck out of the Mission District (or, more accurately, accelerating the gentrification), which is pretty much the last semi-affordable part of town that's not beside a power plant.

Why post a fake shouting match though? That's pretty "Fox newsy."

Oscar Wildcat - 2013-12-09

Klass Warz Comix.

baleen - 2013-12-09

I think it's pretty clever, actually.
I hate San Francisco. I don't care if anybody could afford to live there or not because it's already shit.

exy - 2013-12-09

SF could be the asshole capital of the world, but it's got Burma Superstar, and that makes it all better. The tea leaf salad is unbelievable. (There's one in Oakland now, but they don't serve poodi!)

crojo - 2013-12-09

Don't forget the one in Alameda, unsure about the poodi question.

Fuck every single person in this video.

sosage - 2013-12-09

I am convinced that in 2030 SF will become like NY in Escape from New York. The only difference being, it will be all rich people walling the rest of the people out.

Except the homeless.

They'll hunt them.

infinite zest - 2013-12-09

Poodi's like an insult, I think. Kinda like calling someone a "dick," but specifically for female parts (i.e. "cunt"). But at Burma Superstar, it's Potato Curry. Weird. I still like their food.

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