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Comment count is 11
TheOtherCapnS - 2014-02-26

First Jaco, and now Paco :-(

poorwill - 2014-02-26

By far the guitarest guitarist.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2014-02-26

He's no Esteban.

EvilHomer - 2014-02-26

I thought he was already dead?

baleen - 2014-02-26

He is already dead.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2014-02-26

I thought he was Paco de Lucia.

EvilHomer - 2014-02-27

Well I mean already dead like in having died years ago.

That guy - 2014-02-26

RIP you racist piece of shit.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2014-02-26

I'm not finding much of anything involving him and racism. Is this because he didn't cancel a tour date in Israel over Palestinian deaths or somesuch?

That guy - 2014-02-26

I know someone who translated for him while he was in the US.
Sorry I should have been more specific. Didn't mean to send you on that internet hunt.
Awesome guitarist, though.

That guy - 2014-02-26

He was also a horrible, insular snob, but that can't be surprising.

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