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Comment count is 4
SteamPoweredKleenex - 2014-03-05

Actual inbreeding might explain Stevens' current attempt to become a right-wing singer/songwriter, but with even less of a sense of humor than he had before.

I know he took his attempt to be a "serious" country singer really hard when sales tanked, but blaming Obama for that is... about as rational as most of that kind of thing, so I guess it makes sense.

kamlem - 2014-03-05

My parents had this song on their jukebox when I was growing up, performed by Australian character artist Chad Morgan.


gravelstudios - 2014-03-06

I first heard this song on an old 78 rpm record my mom had, except it was a woman, and all the genders were flipped. At the time, I thought it was one of the funniest things I'd ever heard.

Quad9Damage - 2014-03-06

So is this recent? Is Obama taxing family tree stumps based on shape and perimeter or something?

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