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Comment count is 5
Old_Zircon - 2014-04-07

I just got a bootleg DVD of this whole tape from someone at work, it's all great.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-04-07

I wish I still had my video tape of the Moody Blues being played over fractals.

misterbuns - 2014-04-07

This is wonderful for so many reasons.

but the sound track was fucking with me the whole time.

I kept thinking "this is the best pink floyd cover band ive ever heard."

erratic - 2014-04-07

that's because it's David Gilmour solo work. 5 for that and 5 for fractals.

Repomancer - 2014-04-13

Little-known fact: Mandelbrot was a student of Julia's. Troof.

I took the one-day fractals course at SIGGRAPH '87 (featuring many TV personalities from this very video) -- went in with only a foggy idea that it had something to do with cool pictures, and came out with my mind. utterly. blown. Wrote my first two fractal-drawing programs that night, and have wasted a zillion hours in the years since fooling around with them. SOME FUN

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