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Comment count is 5
mon666ster - 2014-06-04

Now THAT is a concert!

Cena_mark - 2014-06-04

This guy was a true artist. Its art, that's why youtube hasn't taken it down for the nudity.

infinite zest - 2014-06-04

A friend of mine got to see GG a couple of times.. Can't say I'm really jealous. Some years ago a friend of mine's band was getting pretty out of hand and lead singer/keyboardist took off his shoe and threw it nailing my ex wife in the face, breaking her glasses (which were immediately stomped on) so I rushed the stage and knocked over his keyboard stand and got back down. I guess in retrospect it was a blessing in disguise, but I was pretty pissed off. He offered her new frames and would pay for the lenses too.

That to me embodies a spirit that Allin lacked, that we're all in this shit together, and he learned the hard way some 2 years later that people won't be there to pick you up if you weren't there to do the same.

spikestoyiu - 2014-06-04

Certain styles of music allow for certain band members to get a little uh ROWDY from time to time. I used to do it when I played bass in a hardcore band. At no point does a keyboard player have that right.

Hammer Falls - 2014-06-04

That description sums up Allin's career, really.

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