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Comment count is 5
Binro the Heretic - 2014-06-05

Margaret and Mordecai will never last as a couple. He'll be that fun sweet guy she really cared about but dumped as soon as she left for college. She wants a lot out of life and Mordecai is too happy being some stiff who works for minimum wage as a park groundskeeper. Even if he worked hard to be more than that, he would only be doing it to impress her and not because he really wanted it. In time, he might become resentful. At any rate, it would totally change the kind of guy he is and Margaret would find him a charming anymore.

Rigby will get married before Mordecai will. He's kind of used to being pushed around and will get bullied into marriage by some woman who sees "potential" in him. He'll be forced into getting a "real" job and live out his days as a henpecked husband & father whose kids all think he's kind of a dope. He won't really be happy so much as content.

MurgatroidMendelbaum - 2014-06-06

"... and Gorlac enslaved us all."

Kabbage - 2014-06-06

Margaret has already dumped Mordecai to leave for college in the show, so your soul-crushing vision of the future is already well on course.

Binro the Heretic - 2014-06-06

What, seriously?

Holy fuck, I need to catch up on the episodes. That and "Adventure Time".

I finally got to see a new episode of AT the other week where one of the candy people kept faking his death so Princess Bubblegum would keep cloning him so he could hang out with a group of himself.

PBG was super-pissed off when she found out.

Kabbage - 2014-06-07

He's currently considering dating an aloof anthropomorphic cloud named C.J.

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