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Comment count is 9
BiggerJ - 2014-08-03

I think you uploaded the wrong video. I searched and found two different skunkpuppy videos.

BiggerJ - 2014-08-03

Oh wait one was a toy skunk. Updating.

Lurchi - 2014-08-03

and a fennec?

I'm worried about tripping over skunks at night.

Binro the Heretic - 2014-08-03

When I was a kid, we had a pair of de-scented pet skunks.

The male was the sweetest, most gentle creature on the planet. You could hold him and pet him like a big fluffy cat.

The female would rip your face off if you so much as looked at her.

infinite zest - 2014-08-03

i thought it said skinny puppy

infinite zest - 2014-08-03

I know they're not the same but a ferret walked into a bar and it was like 1AM so I didn't know what to do because I was on a date. Spent the rest of the date trading ferret between our jackets until I took him home and made a house, a lost ferret CL ad fed him cheerios and frantically looked up ways to take care of a ferret until the owner contacted me the next day. The ferret loved her but hated me for whatever reason.

Oscar Wildcat - 2014-08-03

Anxiously awaiting the followup clip of when puppy meets a new skunk friend in the backyard.

memedumpster - 2014-08-03


SixDigitDebt - 2014-08-03

Hey. Interspecies erotica, fucko.

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