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Comment count is 18
EvilHomer - 2014-09-04

Somewhat convincing, but "true demographic" is a stock phrase for satirists, and his analysis of Winter Wrapup is clearly gibberish.

Waugh - 2014-09-04

shut the fuck up, idiot.

ashtar. - 2014-09-04

false flag! false flag!

EvilHomer - 2014-09-04

There is no need for hostility, waugh. Anger is not the Pony Way.

chumbucket - 2014-09-04

Cue El Jarabe Tapatio

yogarfield - 2014-09-23

for ashy. i may or may not have farted from laughter.

TeenerTot - 2014-09-04

Childish activities in a children's activity book?

A child's activity book is "insulting" to him. I think that about covers it.
See, this is why I can't respect "bronies."

EvilHomer - 2014-09-04

Surely, "can't respect bronies" should be "can't respect this particular brony"? Even assuming the video is legitimate, it's hardly representative of *every* brony. The McDonald's Brony, for example, is a very nice person, hardworking and kind. I do not believe you would stop respecting him based simply on a stereotype.

TeenerTot - 2014-09-04

You make a point about painting bronies with a broad brush. But anecdotally, this is the brony-type I see over and over. In my own experience, this is 90% of bronies. Not sure if 90% constitutes a broad brush or not.

EvilHomer - 2014-09-04

90% sounds about right.

Jet Bin Fever - 2014-09-04


Honestly, I'm so tired of Bronies and shit, but this was still a little entertaining.

memedumpster - 2014-09-04


Or possibly the brony sad manchild hole is also a cloning operation. Could be either.

infinite zest - 2014-09-04

Doesn't this happen with pretty much everything marketed to all ages? For example, I like Gravity Falls (a lot) but the commercials market Happy Meals and Fur-Real Pets and stuff. I'm not offended. A child probably watches the show for a completely different reason than I do, and if they had a Mabel's Coloring and Sticker Book at Toys R Us or something, I'd just assume that it was suitable for a younger audience, and would most likely ignore the adult demographic that might watch the show.

Same thing was probably the case with Star Wars (and might be the case with Guardians of the Galaxy.) There were coloring books, the infamous Ewok Life Day special, and god knows what else. But it also spawned a lot of published and non-published fiction that delves into the (ahem) dark side of the universe. I think Hasbro's acknowledged the show's appeal to adults, be you a Brony or not, but I don't expect them to market their product that way, especially not in a kid's coloring book.

memedumpster - 2014-09-04

Spencers and Hot Topic raised an entire generation to believe all things for children are really for adults.

And those adults should be vampires.

EvilHomer - 2014-09-04

That's part of the reason why I think this video is satire that failed to pass the internet's Poe's Law filter. The idea that the show is "for adults" and that kids are unwanted invaders is a common in-joke amongst bronies, originating as a reaction against (and in some ways, social reclamation of) the commonly heard criticism, "you faggots are watching a show for little girls!". Bronies know it's a show for all ages, even if they don't always act like it, even if sometimes they don't want to admit it.

And Hasbro does market towards older fans, both teenagers and adults. They aren't particularly enthusiastic about it, I think because they don't want to alienate parents by appearing too edgy, and because grownup bronies have shown that they're willing to buy tons of MLP branded merchandise, regardless of the way it's marketed. But Hasbro does still make (or at least sells licenses for) brony-specific merchandise. For example, Hot Topic stocks a considerable amount of brony swag, including t-shirts, tank tops, bathrobes, trendy metal lunchboxes, wallets, Rainbow Dash nipple rings, and limited edition action figures that look like they just trotted off the pages of Juxtapoz Magazine.

I'm sure this kid is more than aware of that stuff.

Cena_mark - 2014-09-04

He's being facetious. He's not really expecting a coloring book to be made for him.

crasspm - 2014-09-04

This subculture, god damnit...

TimidAres - 2014-09-04

What is this!? I cant clop to this!!

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