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Comment count is 11
Prickly Pete - 2014-11-10

Notice why Ramsay is successful today and the gimps featured on his show aren't: he's actually listening to what the chef is saying instead of going, "This fuckin jerk off doesn't know what he's talking about!"

Anaxagoras - 2014-11-10

What I notice is that the head chef isn't screaming at his underlings & calling them "donkey-breath".

Ramsey is successful in large part because he's an abrasive, abusive asshole who's fun to watch. It's not his ability to listen that stands him apart from the crowd.

fluffy - 2014-11-10

What I notice is that this show is an educational cooking show based in a functioning restaurant and not a reality show in which people are competing for a position as executive chef at a restaurant.

yogarfield - 2014-11-12

That chef is Marco Pierre White. Ramsey eventually became his protege. White had a swagger that Ramsey can't even begin to approach.

countvelcro - 2014-11-10

As a line cook, I have recurring fantasies about bludgeoning Ramsey to death with a saute pan. I'd still like to see a Ramsey Bros. show where Gordon's the chef and Charles Ramsey's the dishwasher.

infinite zest - 2014-11-10

Now THAT I'd watch. There's this restaurant here in Portland called Montage which is one of my favorites in the world, and has been since I was a kid. It's hard to explain, but if you visit and hear about "blah blah blah" Zagat rated/Guy Fieri went there bullshit fuck those places and go to Montage.

Anyway, they give their staff (especially the line cooks) complete freedom to be as assholeish as they want with the customers and fellow employees. Like they couldn't stab you with your own steak knife if you kept sending it back, but you know they're thinking about it. Ramsay would have fun there, and I'd like to see who would win between him and the head line cook (it's an open kitchen. You can hear it all and it's not an act)

baleen - 2014-11-10

If you know your Ramsay lore, you know there's a good chance he's fucking his boss's wife.

infinite zest - 2014-11-10

Does he say "Staggio" at the end? Like Staging? I've always known it as an unpaid night of work (tips and a shift meal and drink if your boss is cool and you don't fuck up) to see if you fit in, and then they hire you on or they don't. I used to live with a guy who'd do nothing but staging and made more money than he would've by working 5 nights a week in different restaurants than he probably would have sticking with just one. 4 weeks!?!!

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2014-11-12

Having spent years actually WORKING IN RESTAURANTS the appeal of restaurant work as TV has always eluded me.

He was pretty cute, though.

fluffy - 2014-11-12

I think people just have a natural curiosity when it comes to stuff they experience but don't think about (see also Dirty Jobs), and after a certain point it also becomes a formulaic drama, and people love Schadenfreude and picking sides.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2014-11-12

Give me a show about the restaurant manager who knocks up the brain-dead waitress while his wife is in Greece, and the wife comes over, and she's a really nice middle-aged lady who was clearly beautiful once, and she's the only person in the kitchen who doesn't know. Or about the dishwasher who reported his boss for stealing food from school lunch programs and is never able to find another job, so one day he just jumps off the roof of a 12 story building and lands SPLAT right in the middle of the street in the middle of the evening rush hour.

These are just the things I happened to witness first-hand. When that guy jumped, the cops covered him up, and you could see his shitty Payless sneakers sticking out from under the sheet.

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