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Comment count is 7
The Mothership - 2015-01-11

We need to get more clips from the bootleg Brazilian Predator ripoff, cause that's the only original footage here.

infinite zest - 2015-01-12

Aw man, now I wanna see it. I did a search for "Brazillian Predator Movie" on youtube, and found the original, which is pretty cool. I lost my VHS a while back, and the restored/HD whatever one really makes the predator visible and incredibly fakey, vs. the graininess of the one that scared me so much as a kid. Here's to Predator, in all its 240p glory.

Simillion - 2015-01-11

fake / gay

chumbucket - 2015-01-12


That guy - 2015-01-11

stars withheld until CDTcrew tag

divinitycycle - 2015-01-11


Sudan no1 - 2015-01-13

Axel F is like, THE 80s song but sure whatever lump it in with the 90s. I shake my cane at these whippersnappers.

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