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Comment count is 9
Killer Joe - 2015-07-17

Everyone likes practical effects.

kingarthur - 2015-07-17

Weirdly hypnotic.

giygusattack - 2015-07-17

Pure fun!

EvilHomer - 2015-07-17

If the internet is to be believed, people liked Slimer, but hated Scrappy Doo. Why?

fluffy - 2015-07-17

Probably because Slimer was a silly goofball while Scrappy Doo was aggressively obnoxious.

memedumpster - 2015-07-17

Slimer didn't have a catchphrase. Catchphrases are the explosive decompression death of any cartoon sidekick.

memedumpster - 2015-07-17

I'm rehearsing a slimer right now.

Ugh - 2015-07-18

something something spooks something something back of the bus

Old_Zircon - 2015-07-18

5 stars for that Calvin and Hobbs shirt!

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