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Comment count is 20
What about the Danger - 2006-03-11

So if the Prince of Persia exists in real life, how do you account for evil, in the world?

Soldier of the Month - 2006-03-11


antibunny - 2006-03-13

This kid needs a movie contract.

Xiphias - 2006-03-13

and I spent my youth playing video games! WOE

Mayberry Pancakes - 2006-03-14


neils123 - 2006-03-16

just... wow!

Namor - 2006-03-17

This is so cool, I can't stop watching it. He should be a stuntman, or do martial arts films.

Chalkdust - 2006-03-18

HOLY FUCK this guy was in my mall (the blue stairway is at Main Place Mall, Orange, CA)

apolloniuschrist - 2006-03-27

somebody give this kid his own tv-show

Concerned Citizen - 2006-07-01

Can I hire him as my personal shopper? Ninjas are cool. Heh... hehe...

Inferno - 2006-11-17

I'd give my left nut to be that badass

carpenter - 2006-12-07

Dam. I used to be a pretty good gymnast. But this guy... awesome. Awesome.

Caminante - 2007-01-12

Oh, I could do that if I wanted to.

Camonk - 2007-02-07

This guy is so much cooler than me, my friends, and everyone I've met ever.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-11-07


fermun - 2008-02-29

I believe the most amazing thing about it is when he is in the gym, he is doing these crazy ass flips and there are people in the background straight-up ignoring him.

Big Name Celebrity - 2008-07-17

I am intrigued by his ideas, and wish to subscribe to his newsletter.

Tuan Jim - 2008-11-11


He's like the opposite of visor douche who kept concussing himself.

Adham Nu'man - 2017-07-17

In 2006 we were all still really impressed by Parkour. Five for that.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2017-07-17

2017 What is he up to now? Im so curious.

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