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Comment count is 7
infinite zest - 2015-12-04

Fun fact, the recorder (flute?) sample used around 23:00 or so is actually from the Ween song The Mollusk. Or at least I think it is.

I went through a period of time in college where I ate lots of mushrooms and watched Laloux and a bunch of anime, and sort of picked this one up at random. I think it's my favorite animated feature. But it says "episode 1." Was there ever any more?

Cube - 2015-12-04

There's a whole bunch of Nekojiru episodes on YouTube (and PoeTV), but they're pretty much nothing like this. Though they're still great, just different. As I understand, this was a one-off thing.

yogarfield - 2015-12-04

Isn't this already up here? Regardless, Cat Soup is great. And the episodes are totally different, and more about the cat siblings being raised by racist parents, being casual criminals and beating up old men. Both are highly recommended. The movie is just more.. dada.

infinite zest - 2015-12-04

Wow never knew that. But I also didn't know it was based off a manga. Or that the creator committed suicide around the time of the original shorts' television debuts, which probably explains the darkness of the OVA.. now I'm feeling depressed.

infinite zest - 2015-12-04

But actually I'm not depressed. The episodes are fantastic and funny and fucked up as all git out.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2015-12-04

oh this is up here, I didnt search for nekojiru, but the old one in in 4 parts and is long dead

Merzbau - 2015-12-05

Seconding what other people have said- this production has nothing to do with the Nekojiru TV show, which is a little closer to the manga in tone.

Maybe add a Masaaki Yuasa tag? He was the animation lead and screenwriter for this, and that'll link to a bunch of his other work on poetv.

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