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Comment count is 6
bongoprophet - 2016-01-16

I am having a really hard time getting the last few cats, and the gift from some of them. Does anyone know of a strategy for doing that? Like the egyptian cat has visited me maybe 20 times but it is not giving me its gift.


also: Tubbs is the best

infinite zest - 2016-01-16

It depends on what you buy. For example, Billy the Cat will only come around if you buy the cowboy hat. But I'm not sure why Senor Don Gato showed up, since all he does is play with Mr. Mouse..

infinite zest - 2016-01-16

whoops didn't mean to 5 star myself. Bad Zest! Off the furniture! Meow

Кotki - 2016-01-17

infinite zest is right. You'll also need the glass vase ti get Guy Furry, twisty rail for Conductor Whiskers, Cat Metropolis for Bob The Cat, and Earthenware pot to get Chairman Meow... These are the ones I've discovered so far.

infinite zest - 2016-01-17

8:07:24 holy shit that cat's preggers!

infinite zest - 2016-01-17

Years ago I found a Mao t-shirt in Chinatown in Melbourne Australia, and decorated it with cat ears for halloween, so I was Chairman Meow that year! I'm sure I wasn't the first to come up with it, but it was still cool to see.

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