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Comment count is 3
dairyqueenlatifah - 2016-04-06

That about sums up the core problem with Trump, and why even if you think his views on various groups of people are hilarious and great you can't possibly think he's fit to be President of the United States of America.

Even Sarah Palin had a better grasp on diplomacy and the overall political process than Donald Trump does. There I said it.

godot - 2016-04-06

He remains wonderfully fit to rub the noses of Republicans in the downside of the Southern strategy. Within their coalition, support for core values of limited government is miles wide but an inch deep, compared to the deeper racial/cultural resentments they exploited for votes.

chumbucket - 2016-04-07

Don Trump's presidential plan, for everything: yeah I'm gonna clean that all up and hire a bunch of smart guys to fix all that stuff.

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