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Comment count is 8
William Burns - 2016-07-23

I'm downright giddy he's sponsored!

Old_Zircon - 2016-07-23

I've got mixed feelings since he deserves it and the sponsor seems appropriate, but on the other hand usually when a channel starts getting sponsors it also starts going downhill.

I'm confident he'll persevere though.

Cena_mark - 2016-07-23

That armor would be like rice paper against my katana.

EvilHomer - 2016-07-23

Well, yeah, that armor was made by Paki Muslims.

EvilHomer - 2016-07-23

In all seriousness, the Mughals were able to conquer all of India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. The Japanese, by contrast, sat in their island for a thousand years and conquered nothing.

Match goes to Mughals.

EvilHomer - 2016-07-23

ALSO, let's see what a katana does against the glorious Mughal artillery!

Even if their armor couldn't stand up against a katana (it could), the Mughals would just get their cannons out and blow up any samurai dumb enough to come within a kilometer of the Mughal position.

Cena_mark - 2016-07-23

Japan created a huge empire in the early 20th century thanks to the katana.

EvilHomer - 2016-07-23

Japan _tried_ to create a huge empire in the 20th century. It didn't work out too well.

I bet if the Mughals had done Pearl Harbor, we'd all be speaking Persian right now.

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