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Comment count is 10
chumbucket - 2016-12-07

Hey Pat, get bent.

il fiore bel - 2016-12-07

Good news, he's got experience in that area. He just may be bending for Trump soon.

Sivak - 2016-12-07

Hillary had more dignity in defeat.

Cena_mark - 2016-12-07

That's why Democrats lose. If anything Hillary shouldn't have conceded so soon, neither should Gore. They should have fought hard and dirty like Republicans. You may not respect their tactics, but they win.

EvilHomer - 2016-12-07

Exactly. Democrats are soft. They have a firm control over our domestic opinion-creation industry, but if there's any pushback, if the proles don't pick up the message, then Team Dem players don't know what to do. They give up and slink off and then cry about it later. Sometimes, like with Hillary, they're so salty that they drop off the planet for weeks at a time.

Say what you will about the American conservatives, but those fuckers are vicious fighters and they're built for survival.

"Even if a Samurai’s head were to be suddenly cut off, he should still be able to perform one more action with certainty. If one becomes like a revengeful ghost,
and shows great determination, though his head is cut off… he should not die."

There is wisdom in that passage. Democrats should meditate on it.

Oscar Wildcat - 2016-12-07

On September 10, 1945, farmer Lloyd Olsen of Fruita, Colorado, United States, was planning to eat supper with his mother-in-law and was sent out to the yard by his wife to bring back a chicken. Olsen chose a five-and-a-half-month-old cockerel named Mike. The axe removed the bulk of the head, but missed the jugular vein, leaving one ear and most of the brain stem intact.

Due to Olsen's failed attempt to behead Mike, Mike was still able to balance on a perch and walk clumsily. He attempted to preen, peck for food, and crow, though with limited success; his "crowing" consisted of a gurgling sound made in his throat.

When Mike did not die, Olsen instead decided to care for the bird. He fed it a mixture of milk and water via an eyedropper, and gave it small grains of corn.

Once his fame had been established, Mike began a career of touring sideshows in the company of such other creatures as a two-headed baby. He was also photographed for dozens of magazines and papers, and was featured in Time and Life magazines.

Mike was put on display to the public for an admission cost of twenty-five cents. At the height of his popularity, the chicken's owner earned US$4,500 per month ($47,800 today) and was valued at $10,000.

StanleyPain - 2016-12-07

"but those fuckers are vicious fighters and they're built for survival."

People like the gutless fascists you openly support wouldn't "survive" 10 fucking minutes in the real world. They are nothing without the brainless masses who open their wallets to them and willingly lay down in the mud so they can lick their boots and be told "Oh, we'll get the dirty faggots for you!" because their vapid identity politics based on religious zealotry is the only thing their monkey brains can comprehend.
I suppose, technically, exploiting humanity solely for their own benefit is a form of "survival" but it's nothing compared to the enduring power and actual, tangible strength of real liberal, democratic values and the people and movements it produces, i.e. the power that defeated McCrory and his diseased bullshit and will continue to fight.
Trash breeds trash.

baleen - 2016-12-07

"Say what you will about the American conservatives, but those fuckers are vicious fighters and they're built for survival." Turning that viciousness against them has been a successful formula since the Civil Rights era.

The GOP will never embrace "multiculturalism" or "cultural relativism." A lot of immigrants don't embrace these values, and they don't want to be done any favors by the atheistic effetes either. So that's why you'll get muslims who vote for the GOP and latinos who don't want to be identified as "wetbacks" and whatever going for Trump. But overall, 3/4 of Latinos voting for Democrats and the GOP embracing Keynesian domestic spending programs is kind of a hilarious side effect of this. Unless Trump actually delivers on his spending sprees, and he won't unless he cuts the entitlements of tens of millions of poor whites, then those same swing voters will swing the other way. Also, a lot of people just don't want to vote for a woman because we live in a pretty sexist country.

Unfortunately, I don't think things are going to improve for trans people. Asking the world to embrace new pronouns when they have no fucking idea who you are and you make up 1% of the population is a pretty huge ask, and that was magnified a million times over by the internet and shoved into the inbox of every moderate voter in America by the alt-right. And it worked out pretty well for them.

Anaxagoras - 2016-12-08

We'll see about trans folks. It was a big ask, but it's also a decent ask. And keep in mind that Republicans won the 2004 election largely based on homophobia, but we got gay marriage all across the land less than a decade later. I hope something similar happens for trans folks.... although I doubt it will.

garcet71283 - 2016-12-07

Big feelings on the internet. All your opinions matter here! Everyone's a winner! Keep reaching for that rainbow!

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