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Comment count is 6
Rodents of Unusual Size - 2017-01-27

Are you ok, bro?

TeenerTot - 2017-01-27

I like to mock myself when I get depressed.

Bort - 2017-01-27

Okay, but watching "Family Guy" clips is just self-destructive.

infinite zest - 2017-01-27

I've always been pretty easy on Family Guy since I saw one of Seth McFarlane's shorts at an alternative animation fest. Granted this was maybe 2 years before South Park and the Simpsons was in its best seasons, but I liked the All In The Family set-up mixed with what looked like a Hanna Barbara cartoonist's acid trip, continuing with whatever the failed 70s "adult" cartoon that starred Tom Bosley kind of started, perhaps too early. So I dunno, when Family Guy was announced I was excited, and me and everybody I knew were pissed off when it got cancelled over some fairly innocent Jew jokes. We were only 16 or so, and maybe that's the perfect age to smoke weed and watch Family Guy I dunno, but then it came back on, and I stopped caring while most people developed a hatred for what was essentially The Critic with a less convenient way to do cutaway pop culture references. Like, I dunno, I watched a few old Critics on YT not too long ago and the humor IS pretty much the same outside of the central characters and plotlines.

So anyway I don't like it or hate it, but I will defend it since Hulu autoplayed the most recent episode and I laughed a couple of times, some 15 seasons in, whereas The Simpsons couldn't make me even chuckle past season 8.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2017-01-27

I hate it, more than anything because younger me loved it. I thought it was the greatest thing ever. Then for awhile I regurgitated the old meme "It was good in the beginning" crap for awhile.

Then I went back and I tried to watch the first couple seasons and oh my god, no. Family Guy was never good.

infinite zest - 2017-01-28

Yeah I tried again on Netflix and it's aged horribly; I think it kinda hit its stride of offensive and irrelevant sometime maybe after their contract was renewed but it's still pretty stupid and phoned in.. still better than Simpsons though for me though, which is really really sad. :(

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