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Comment count is 21
Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2017-03-16

A once great series reduced to this. EA might as well pull the plug on Bioware and be done with it.

Nikon - 2017-03-16

My face is tired from dealing with everything.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sUfZMocgHKc (some of the same, some new stuff)

Nominal - 2017-03-16

Honestly I don't think Bioware has put out a halfway decent game since Jade Empire. At least that game knew it was a silly kung fu flick.

Two Jar Slave - 2017-03-17

No love for Dragon Age Origin? That's generally thought to be top-shelf work, though the sequels were rougher.

I personally thought their Star Wars MMO was very enjoyable for a couple months, but I also understand the aversion people have to that whole genre. "Super great for a standard MMO" is maybe not the highest praise.

infinite zest - 2017-03-17

For some reason I've got all 3 Mass Effects on my Xbox One. I didn't pay for them, don't know how they got there.. probably from the guy I bought the Xbox One from. Anyway I'd always wanted to play them since Baldur's Gate is probably my favorite game ever, so I guess I was excited.. anyway how do you make outer space boring? Seems like they found a way. The graphics were neat (I think they actually looked better than this one) but goddamn, it was like the writers were trying to take the most boring aspects of Star Trek and put it in a game.

StanleyPain - 2017-03-16

I dunno...aside from the glitches (which, from most reports seem to be primarily on the PC and PS4 versions for some reason), I can't say this really blows my mind. ME 1-3 didn't have exactly spectacular character animation either. Most noticeably (especially if you played all 3 games) they only did, like, 2 or 3 full motion captures and just pasted them onto almost every single NPC, so everyone uses the same hand gestures and postures in every single conversation. I also don't recall facial animations being that great in those games either, at least not to some degree that feels like a downgrade.
By far and away the best facial animation I think in games today is in most Ubisoft games (who seem to be using all the same proprietary engine) so I think everyone else could definitely learn something from them. Eh...I'm still curious to play the game. I wasn't expecting this game to be on the same level of story/RPG as the others, but rather mostly a kind of loose action game with some story sprinkled into it, and the pre-release info seems to confirm that.

magnesium - 2017-03-16

Yeah, I like Bioware's games, but they've always had terrible character animation. And you can tell they've been using the same ones at least since DA Origins.

Pillager - 2017-03-16

Seriously, an AAA ranked developer with decades of experience & they produce a game with animation inferior to amateur SFM fare?

Raggamuffin - 2017-03-16

according to the youtube comments (which I assume is basically an infallible source of information) this is actually all the fault of "SJW's" and "Niggerfag's" so there is that.

Pillager - 2017-03-17

@Raggamuffin, Sarah Ryder's eyeballs clip through her face.

Caminante Nocturno - 2017-03-16


dairyqueenlatifah - 2017-03-16

Everyone who complains about the animations in Andromeda apparently never played the other ME games, or Dragon Age games for that matter.

I'm not defending it, or saying that Bioware shouldn't have improved by now. I just kind of have to roll my eyes when the people making videos like this act like they're pointing out some new totally unexpected disastrous quality, while anyone who's at all familiar with Bioware or Mass Effect was hoping for better but not at all expecting it.

Also, I hate when people feel the need to put other things for comparison in videos like this. Like "OH MAN THIS IS SO AWFUL...but I have to put another image in for comparison so that you can see what I'm seeing!"

Pillager - 2017-03-16

Bioware's games looked better in 2007, than they do right now.

Women's faces weren't puffy & their eyes weren't soo large.

Why the graphical downgrade? They're competing with CD Projekt who make actually attractive games...

Bobonne - 2017-03-17

That is a tiny woman at 1:07.

I guess you would want people small if you had to cram 'em into spaceships, in theory...I mean, that's why there was a maximum height for astronauts (and fighter pilots).

Louddetective - 2017-03-17

1. The music absolutely made this clip.

2. What in god's name is going on with the squat-running at 0:05???

This is all pretty cheesy looking, but honestly, I still want to play it. The whole series has had some warts, but I've enjoyed the hell out of them. I hope they steer away from making Ryder some cosmic savior and just make a reasonably-scoped story, but I'm not holding out too much hope for that. Even so, I'll still check it out when I eventually get a current-gen console.

Two Jar Slave - 2017-03-17

Apparently, you are declared cosmic saviour within the first hour.

godot - 2017-03-17

at least for 20k colonists.'

The face animations are worse than recent gen Bethesda, which is dismal. If Bioware's whole MO is interactive drama, you can't do it with cardboard cutouts.

From the previews, I think problem #1 with Andromeda is that corporate Bioware decided the target demo was 13-16 or so, and hence ran with ingenue avatars, with all the stupidity that age bracket entails. By contrast, in Witcher 3 Geralt is approaching centenarian status, so Projekt Red doesn't have to dumb down and limit replayability. Those 13-16 year olds _still_l played a greyhaired vet.

Frankly, Dad Ryder seems like a much more approachable avatar to me. I don't care that it doesn't narratively justify his initial weaknesses; after all, 600 year sleep, new galaxy, new weapons and adversaries, there's always time to upgrade.

Louddetective - 2017-05-01

Bleagh. I gotta say in the month or whatever since I posted my initial comment, I've lost pretty much all interest in this game.

infinite zest - 2017-03-17

Trying to capture realism in gaming is something that really annoys me, since we're probably about 2 years from some playable world with graphics as good as Final Fantasy The Spirits Within movie. And that looked lifeless and shitty in 2001. The ONLY game I've seen with convincing character realism was Resident Evil 7 on my PC, but that's probably due to the faces in the shadows and whatnot. Maybe Dead Stranding, but faces aside, they move clunkily compared to real life movement.. so basically GTA6 or maybe a Bethesda might create something indistinguishable from reality to the blind eye, but I'll have seventeen years of lowered expectations.

godot - 2017-03-17

What was lifeless about FF: Spirits Within wasn't the animation. It was the flat rehash of the deathess plot of humanity ravaging the environment, with only young idealists being able to save it.

We ARE ravaging the environment, we need idealists to save it. However,external conflicts are rarely as interesting as psychological ones. Alas, this isn't what CGI excels at. Spirits Within was a technology looking for a purpose, and not finding it...

Lord_Crocodilicus - 2017-03-17

This is what happens when you outsource to India.

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