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Comment count is 6
Kid Fenris - 2018-02-23

Their product makes it easier for wolves to kill and eat sentient, civilized pigs? This is worse than Kevin & Kell!

memedumpster - 2018-02-23

Granpa Volk still pines for the good old days when it was just him and Twink.

Maggot Brain - 2018-02-24

After the Communism fell Wolk needed the money and became a mail-order husband to a rapidly aging Texas fast-food chain heiress. In 1999 Twink was killed in the Moscow apartment bombings. Wolk has not returned to Russia since.

The Mothership - 2018-02-24

Don't smoke, kids. Also don't listen to animated drug marketing sponsored by Astra Zeneca.

TeenerTot - 2018-02-24

Sound advice.

BHWW - 2018-02-24

"Just like you do sometimes, Grandpa?"
"YES, just like me sometimes you impertinent little rugrat. Remind your parents to never bring you to my home for a visit again."

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