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Comment count is 8
chumbucket - 2018-04-12

The creep is calling from inside your kid.

yogarfield - 2018-04-12

Yeah just fucking take em.

Seven Arts/H8 Red - 2018-04-12



Old_Zircon - 2018-04-12

It's worth noting that at least 96% of money donated to Autism Speaks used for things like salaries and internal "research," and they have had exactly one actual autistic person on staff, who was there for a couple of years but publicly quit in protest after this PSA was released:

https://jerobison.blogspot.com/2013/11/i-resign-my-roles-at-au tism-speaks.html

They also had some ties with the anti-vaccine movement for a while I've heard, although I haven't confirmed it.

They make PETA look credible by comparison (though to be fair, I don't think they've gone as far as saying that eating animal products causes autism, which PETA were saying for quite a while and may still be, although I think they recanted a couple months ago - hearing about that in passing last week is what led me to this, in fact), and they're pretty fertile ground for submission-worthy bullshit.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2018-04-12

Yeah, they're a pretty shit organization by all accounts.

Old_Zircon - 2018-04-13

The more I learn about them the less difference I see between them and the ex-gay movement.

Crab Mentality - 2018-04-13

I can see why this pissed people off. "Your kid is a defect and you should be pissed about it" doesn't sell well.

Old_Zircon - 2018-04-13

It was more the "you are a defect and you are ruining the lives of everyone you care about" part, I think.

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