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Comment count is 8
poorwill - 2018-12-25

why did they give the bilby a human voice actor? it doesn't talk at all.
anyway, i honestly thought this sucked and i recommend you don't waste your time watching it.

casualcollapse - 2018-12-26

Yeah it did throw me off when it had an actually human voice..

Simillion - 2018-12-26

you can't blow 8 goddamn minutes of your day to watch some harmless 3d animation that probably took a year of pre-production a year of post-production and 3 years of pre-post reproduction to make

it's like a microwave dinner equivalent of a 3d movie

and it still cost them half a million to make (or more I'm sure, I haven't found the cost)

and that This is the first DreamWorks Animation short film to be produced in 2.35:1 aspect ratio


Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2018-12-26

@Simillion. I think u've explained it nicely yourself. Its a big expensive corporate production, so no risks could taken, there could be no artistic vision.

That why some random shit by Filmcow that a couple of people spent a few days on is worth watching and this isnt.

Simillion - 2018-12-26

so give it 5 stars for the evil, dont 1 star a submission over

poorwill - 2018-12-27

the rule is 1 star for utterly uninteresting and pointless, which this is.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2018-12-26

This is precious and made me smile. :)

fedex - 2018-12-27

Man they should have ended it at the moment after the hawk takes the baby bird. I laughed loud and thought it was the end, but no, they seemed to have gotten a second act forced on them at the hands of some executive who wanted to make a Disney movie. It was hard not to cringe at everything after that moment.

Still, lovely production and beautiful characters and animation.
About a third too long.

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